Pumptrack Valinhos, Brazil (Valinhos, Brazil)

Pump Track

last edited Tuesday, March 12, 2024
Track Types
Pump Track
Brazil - São Paulo
13274465 Valinhos
R. Dr. Fernando Leite Ferraz, Parque Terranova
Google maps
Opening Hours

Open 24 hours every day

Entry Fees

Free Entrance

Some Facts
Total Area
Track Length

+551938495557 or +551938714850


Public Pumptrack located in the Monsenhor Bruno Nardini Park, also known as "Festa do Figo Park", with an asphalt surface and covering 1100 m² of area. It was built by @mattioli_eng_pistas with the help @thiagoviannasalles, @jaozim77, @leo_mattioli. Special thanks to @guiizaoetals and also @yucca_trails for the help on the asphalt days.
There is an available entry for cars with many parking lots through "Entrance 7" of the park (https://maps.app.goo.gl/Tig2zV1etGfLG9CK6).
During the night there are only some few light spots not very well placed. As soon as this aspect changes it will be updated here.