mobile Pumptrack (roofed) (Drobollach, Austria)

Indoor Pump Track

last edited Wednesday, January 31, 2024
Track Types
Indoor Pump Track
Austria - cARINTHIA
9580 Drobollach
Strandbadstraße 61
Google maps
Some Facts
Total Area


Have a great time on our pumptrack! It is roofed and has a very solid underground, even it is a portable path. The aim of a pump track is to generate pace by actively using the pumping technique. This means you have to move your body constantly up and down in order to overcome the humps and turns without pedalling or pushing.
It is a great opportunity for kids, but also grown ups, to get more feeling for your two wheeled vehicle.

The indoor PUMPTRACK is situated in Drobollach at lake Faak. The exact adress is Strandbadstraße 61, 9580 Drobollach.